Fisherman caught a rare megamouth shark off the coast of Japan. An extremely rare megamouth shark was recently captured off the coast of southern Japan, representing only the 58th time a member of this species has been seen by humans. The female shark, weighting 1,500 pounds, was surrounded by crowds at the Marine Science Museum in Shizuoka City as it was dissected by scientists on Thursday, reports. It's not clear when the shark was first captured. 【幻の深海魚】メガマウスを公開解剖 巨大な口に見学者もビックリ — ハフィントンポスト日本版 (@HuffPostJapan) May 6, 2014 "The megamouth is one of the most rarely seen species of sharks," David Shiffman, a marine biologist studying sharks at the...